2000 OBO will not do deposits or shipping. Must meet in person.
SOLDTweeks is a year old quaker parrot, I have raised him since he was born so he was hand fed. He says a few words and gives kisses.
SOLDBurberry is a 2 year old male conure, loves being social with other birds, swinging upside down, and sassing you(he has started to try and talk). We had…
SOLDToby is a good bird and looking to be rehomed. Very adaptable and needs lots of attention. Given to me by my wife some 15-20 years ago. Unfortunately…
SOLDTwo 3-month old cockatiel brothers are looking for their forever home! They must stay TOGETHER. These 2 are buddies and I don't want to separate them…
SOLDTwo white-bellied caiques (m&f) and nice large cage. $1,500 or best offer for all. Lived at children’s nature center 14 years that has since closed. Friendly…
SOLDBlue and Gold Macaw with large octagon cage. Approximately 15 years old. Sex unknown. Has a small vocabulary.
SOLDWe have 8 young cockatiels for sale and 2 guaranteed mating pair the mating pair must be sold together 350.00 for the pair and the younger birds are 100…
SOLD2 Quaker Parrots around 6 to 7 months. Our son needs to find a home because they have 3 big dogs so these 2 don't get out of cage much. They do step…
SOLDWe have 4 and 5 month old Quakers. 1 blue and 1 green. We cannot give them the time they need. Just starting to learn things. Contact for more info.