Silver male java finch. Semi tame. Loves to sing.
SOLD~ Parakeet breeding set up; birds and all ! ~ If you are interested in breeding parakeets then this is a great opportunity for you to get a great setup…
SOLDHand-raised, Baby Budgie! I am hand-raising this beautiful baby budgie right now. This is an American budgie that I think it is a male (it is hard…
SOLDLooking for new home for my older male English budgie. Sky has very beautiful coloring. He is a recessive pied, spangle-opaline. Has a very nice temperament…
SOLDBeautiful English budgie! This young, female, English budgie is less than 5 months old. Her hatch date is: January 21, 2022 I raised her in my little…
SOLDFemale English Budgie! Bella is about 4 years old. She is banded and a very nice "show quality" English budgie. Just raised a clutch this winter and…
SOLDHand-raised, baby English budgie! Ready for a new home March 18. This little budgie was breed by me, in my little aviary. She is hand-raised meaning…
SOLDBonded proven pair available. $350 for the parents, 3 babies, and 2 remaining fertile eggs.
SOLD7-week-old green/yellow/blue/gray pied male & rare cobalt blue male. They are brothers, hatched one day apart, and hand-fed since they were 2 weeks old…
SOLDGorgeous male Parrotlet baby, 7 weeks old. Hand-fed and handled often with love and affection, which makes for a great pet! Get him while he is young!…