I'm helping my Mom sell her bird family. They are located near Duluth, MN. They have produced eggs and are approximately 20 years old.
SOLDI'm helping my Mom sell her bird family. They are located near Duluth, MN. She is approximately 20 years old.
SOLDThis beautiful one year old is very sweet, energetic and loves people! Would be a great pet for any age or level of Parrotlet experience. He steps up and…
SOLD1 young Cockatiel ready to leave the nest. Fed by parents but have been eating on own. Feathers all in. All colored like the father not guaranteeing males…
SOLDHand-fed, Hand tame DNA sexed Male cinnamon green kakariki. He is very goofy and outgoing. He loves to show off but also to hang out with his people. We…
SOLDHand-Fed hand Tame DNA sexed male Green Pied Kakariki. He is super sweet and fun. Kakarikis are Such fun birds. He is freshly weaned and ready to go. We…
SOLDI have a male/female couple of Rosy Bourke Grasskeets I've come to take care of and they need a home to love and care for them. They are about 1 year old…
SOLDDNA confirmed male. He is bold and feels he is in charge. He has been hand fed and is now weaned.
SOLDDNA male. Ready for his new home. He is a little shy but very sweet and not nippy.
SOLDDNA confirmed male Blue Crown Conure. He has been Disease testing for Poly, Borna, and Beak and Feather. He is currently being hand fed. I am now taking…