Beautiful baby pineapple green cheek, ready to go home in a few weeks. Hand feed and friendly.
SOLD2 Beautiful blue fronted amazon, He is 8 months old. he or she likes talk to whistle Delta cargos or in person
SOLDProven sun conure pair who have had 1 clutch so far. Male and female are both about 3 years old. I have their vet papers for gender. If you have any questions…
SOLD2 year old Male Rose Breasted Cockatoo with cage.
SOLD7 month old female African grey ( Congo ) with cage. $5000 OBO
SOLDBeautifull 5 year old Umbrella Cockatoo that loves to dance and sing. He loves women and music. I will include cage, food, and toys.
SOLDI have this beautiful, young, lizard canary for sale.
SOLDI am a breeder that has new baby Timbrado’s for sale. $50 each get them before they’re gone. Send me a message or contact the number on the picture.…
SOLDI have a beautiful lizard Canary that I’m letting go. He sings beautifully and stands out from the rest of my canaries. He is 8-9 months old and is ready…
SOLDI have a young green singer for sale. $130 and he is yours. He sings fluently and is very healthy. Contact my number our phone number for details.