Beautiful Mute swan for sale 2024 hatch pinioned wings.
$600Hatched beginning November 30th 2024. 2 1/2 month old cockatiels. Semi hand tamed. All were held from the nest starting very early. Gender is unknown and…
$150Adult male for sale **Not tamed**
$2002 year old ish. Was told it was a dna sexed female when I bought her as a handled baby. Just haven't had time for her. Not hand tame, but not mean…
$1,500Hello all! I breed peach faced lovebirds and currently have 5 ready for homes and more eggs waiting to hatch! I do not sex them so i do not know if they…
$75FINAL little blue female looking for their human. Could it be you? Another pair has eggs hatching so I am willing to come down in fee for the Blue girl…
SOLD3 white peacock available 100 each
SOLDThis is Charlie. He or she is a sweet bird but I am now a college student and sadly cannot give the love they deserve. Charlie was hand fed as a baby but…
SOLDEdit 11/16/23: Price has been changed to reflect included items. Previously we were just rehoming the bird, but we have decided to move him along with…
SOLDNamed "Moscow," and he does say his name! He's a sweet little turquoise with a lovely personality who eats his veggies and likes the color blue. We're…