White face female about 1 year old.
SOLDYoung yellow and brown singer
SOLDThese young Finches were raised by parents fed sprouted seed, scrambled or hard boiled egg,, egg, egg food, fortified pellets and seed mix millet, mashed…
SOLD(Pending Sale)She is roughly 4 years old. Cage aggressive with other female LBS. Lay's eggs a lot. No mate.
SOLD(Pending sale)No shipping.. Warning. Female is aggressive hands near the cage. She is always laying eggs on the bottom and I think she tries to protect…
SOLDHandfed baby, will be ready in about a month. Very sweet and precious.
SOLD2 year old Male Rose Breasted Cockatoo with cage.
SOLD7 month old female African grey ( Congo ) with cage. $5000 OBO
SOLDBirds for sale. Had them for 2 years. Not sure how old they are. Female bird loosing some feathers in back and chest area. Apparently stress related
SOLDI have a little green cheek conure her name is Jade. she is 2 1/2 years old, her cage and toys will be included. I have some birds that she is dominant…