Beautiful singers, they are a hybrid of a Bronze canary and a Spanish timbrado. They are about 14 months old. Must go as a pair getting rid of a lot of…
SOLD5 Spice finches 1 breeding pair and 3 of there babies. All must go together sliming down on what I have.
SOLDBeautiful breeding pair of red fire finch
SOLDA beautiful breeding pair of orange brested waxbills.
SOLDOne beautiful blueback and green back lady gouldian finch. Must go together slimming down on birds.
SOLDThese little guys (and girls) are just adorable! they are looking for their forever homes, they are playful and tame, love to be held, and can be yours…
SOLDWe are rehoming 5 and 6 month old hand tame bonded pair of turquoise green cheek conures. They were hand fed and are both very sweet birds! They are on…
SOLD4 baby pied love birds ready to find a forever home. these little cuties are hand fed and love to be held. call quickly as they will go fast
SOLDBeautiful baby cockatiel needs a forever home. this little one is absolutely adorable, its is handfed and loves people and full of character. the picture…
SOLDHand fed, hand tame, just weaned Parrotlet (pocket parrot) babies are ready for their new homes. They are weaned on Roudybush mini pellets. 3 males and…