Proven Quaker Parrot Pair $475 White female, Blue male First time parents of 4 beautiful babies They both 2 years old ( the female is missing some…
SOLD5 weeks old Please, leave a voice/text message if I don’t answer the call.
SOLD5 weeks old Please, leave a voice/text message if I don’t answer call.
SOLDBlue Opaline Quaker (High Chance of being a female) -Feeding 3 times a days, starting to pick on pellets. - Father turquoise/blue, Mother Lutino/blue…
SOLDLight Yellow Quaker with red eyes (Father is Yellow,Mother is Blue) she's tame. Born 03-25-24 She like to be carry NO SHIPPING ,
SOLD2 weeks old Turquoise split to Lutino and opaline Parents are Turquoise Opaline (father) and Lutino (mother)
SOLDFemale Green opaline split blue Hatched on September. Not tame. Hand feeding rised Zipcode 34758 My phone number is available in the add, if…
SOLD8 weeks old Eating on its own and 1 hand feeding at night Tame. Please, send me a text message or leave a voice message if I don’t answer.
SOLDPrice negotiable. Blue opaline female. Hatched in September. This bird was hand fed since she was 2 weeks old. She is not tame. Zipcode 34758…
SOLDMy location is Poinciana Blv kiss,fl Blue Quaker Parrot baby sex unknown Baby Likes the attention and been carry to do step up Is so adorable…