Not tame will make a great breeder female 1 years old Not negotiable
SOLDHand raised 2500
SOLDHand tame hand raised ready soon
SOLDMyka is a 6year old Male Citron Cockatoo . Very talkative and talented. This is a high energy bird , with a large vocabulary. Loves to ride .Comes with…
SOLDHave an English budgie breeder pair for rehoming. Reducing my flock and no longer breeding. Male is sf grey split cinnamon and hen is sky blue opaline…
SOLDFour Rare breed baby peacocks (7mo old) (2Male, 1 Female) and one young Female Cameo Peacock (1.5yrs). Rare breed Males are Indigo Blue/white eyed. Females…
SOLDThree 9 Month old peacocks for sale. One Male (Indigo Blue) One Female (Tan) and One Female (Iridescent Green) all from same clutch. Last three out of…
SOLDMango is about 2 years old. She is the sweetest bird ever! This has been very hard for me, but I have come to accept the fact that she truly does need…
SOLD3 Male Young Blue/White Spalding peacocks from breeding pair. Handfed, well kept, very healthy ready to go to new home.
SOLD2 Young (6mo old) India Blue-Pied Male Peacocks for sale. All very heathy and well kept. Ready to go to new home.