Hand tame, hand fed, hand raised ADORABLE babies. They hatched on 09/01/2021 and 09/04/2021. We have one boy ($200) and one girl ($300) left!
SOLD2 year old Male Rose Breasted Cockatoo with cage.
SOLD7 month old female African grey ( Congo ) with cage. $5000 OBO
SOLDPair of Sun Conure.Male is 3 yr old & Female is 2 yr old.No shipping only pick up.
SOLDBonded pair.Male is 3 year old female is 2 year old.
SOLD4 months old baby gcc.
SOLD1 year old female Cockatiel with cage and food. Very friendly, loves to be pet; loves to whistle, and loves to eat fruits. Looking for a caring person…
SOLDBirds for sale. Had them for 2 years. Not sure how old they are. Female bird loosing some feathers in back and chest area. Apparently stress related
SOLDYoung cockatiel for sale. He/she was hand fed and is hand tamed so anyone with a child can adore this little baby. Ps. They step up on command. Feel free…