I have 2 10 week old babies. They are fully weaned and eating reg. Cockatiel food. They are hand tame and step up on command to hand or stick. I can't…
SOLD8 week old tiel for sale the first week of May. Will know how to step up when asked to hand and stick. I have coparented so its comfortable being around…
SOLD5 week old available at 8 weeks. I have coparented. Baby steps up on command and is hand tame.
SOLD2 Cinnamon Cockatiel Hatched Nov 8 2022, hand fed eating and drinking on its own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them a desirable pet…
SOLD3 Cockatiels for sale. Born April 23rd and a couple days later. Hand tame and eating on their own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them…
SOLD3 Cockatiels for sale. Born April 23rd and a couple days later. Hand tame and eating on their own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them a…
SOLD1 Cockatiels for sale. Born April 9th 2022, Hand tame and eating on their own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them a desirable pet. Bonds…
SOLDBlack-capped conures have very great personality suitable for a house pet. This bird has the notable advantage of being a quieter species than other conures…
SOLDBuckeye is a Rare African Grey Congo who is looking for a great home for the future. He is extremely friendly and is at the age where he is learning to…
SOLDBlaze is a Male Sun Conure Redfactor who love to be the center of attention. He loves to climb around on the inside and outside of his cage and even your…