Three 2021 peafowl for sale $300 for one male and two females.. The male is a Black Shoulder and the two females are 1. Black Shoulder split Violetta…
SOLDA pair of one year old peafowl. The female is a Violetta Black Shoulder. The male is a Black Shoulder split Violetta. $300 for the pair. Pick up at…
SOLDPENDING SALE. Pineapple Green Cheek Conure baby. Hatched 8/24/2021. Very sweet baby. Loves to be with you. As you can see from pictures loves to be on…
SOLDI have a pair of budgies just going through their first molt. We just don't have the time to truly spend with them and feel that we can't give them the…
SOLDMale and Female Blue Front Amazon Parrots whit DNA Certificate very friendlys and tamed parrots, male has 4 years old and female has 5 years old, send…
SOLDRinged Blue Front Amazon Male whit DNA Certificate, tamed and friendly 3 years old
SOLDPlease read everything. Timmy is 37 years old, was given to us by a departing friend. Due to life changes he is no longer able to be cared for. Timmy…
SOLDYear old goffin cockatoo, I had a major change in my family and am no longer able to offer the required care. We believe him to be a male, no dna test…
SOLDThis is Apollo, he is 3-4 years ago, chattered and loves people. He will allow head scratches once he is used to you and will speak. Loves his almond treats…
SOLDIndian Ringneck, female, turning 6 this year. Not DNA tested but never developed a ring. Friendly, hand tame, prefers females. South Central Pennsylvania…