Two green Opale babies quakers (12 weeks old) ready to a new home. Fully handfed. Sex is unknown.
SOLDBlue Opale baby quaker fully handfeed and ready to a new home. Sex is unknown.
SOLDBlue baby quaker ready for a new home. Fully handfeed. Sex is unknown.
SOLDMale and female. Large cage included.
SOLDI have a 1yr old male conure with awesome colors. He is a healthy bird and very smart. He will go with his cage and toys. Message me if you want more information…
SOLDI have a 9yr old male alexandrine he is awesome very smart says a couple words waves hi and even blows kisses and still learning. He is shy at first but…
SOLDHand fed, DNAd male green cheeked conure with exceptional exotic color and markings. Friendly and loves to be on your shoulder or near wherever you are…
SOLDThis is for two sun conures. One is 1-2 years old and the other is 3-5 years old. Both are males but I cannot guarantee this. One is Jinx and the other…
SOLDPunky is a 1-1/2 year old male (via DNA testing) who I hand-fed and raised from 4 weeks old. He is a typical vocal Quaker with a good vocabulary, very…
SOLDThief is an almost 20 year old, male cockatiel. Although a senior, he still has a lot of life and love to give! He loves to whistle and be next to his…