young love birds male 150 each
SOLDGreen wings female 6 years olde $3500 Weymouth Massachusetts 7743607666
SOLD5 years old female blue end gold if you want too see the bird call. Me on live vedeo 7743607666
SOLDI have a male and female comes with their cage.due to health condition I need to rehome they are about 5 years old
SOLDDue to health conditions I need to rehome them. They will come with their cage . 1 male 1 female bonded
SOLDi have few female Gloster canaries available.
SOLDWhite face male cockatiel can be a breeder or a pet
SOLDBaby cockatiel hand fed, very tame, healthy and playful. Hatched on October 13th Female DNA tested. Ready to go No shipping, pick up only
SOLDBaby cockatiel very tame and social. Male DNA tested. Still on formula. No shipping , pick up only.
SOLDBaby cockatiel hand fed/hand raised, very tame. Hatched on September 15th and will be ready to go around November 15th. Male DNA tested. No shipping…