Young Bird is very friendly. He loves music and loves dance. He is very talkative. currently on pallets and vegs. He also loves eating off of our food…
SOLD4 month old baby cocktiels hand tamed yellow is a male white and black is female only selling to bird owners
SOLDGot a beautiful pair of budgies for sale (A male and female) They are very friendly and healthy. Selling them as a pair with the extra large cage and…
SOLD3 male goldbreasts available. 2 hatched in my aviary summer of 2023.
SOLDPair of Sun Conure.Male is 3 yr old & Female is 2 yr old.No shipping only pick up.
SOLDBonded pair.Male is 3 year old female is 2 year old.
SOLD4 months old baby gcc.
SOLDRoxy is a 3 yr female blue fronted amazon parrot. She says a few words and loves peanuts, nuts, fruits etc. She like to dance and is very curious. Please…
SOLDBeautiful Indian ring neck for sale.(6 year old male) I unfortunately can’t keep him due to my time I spend in my job. He needs someone who can give him…