Guapo is a beautiful and healthy green- cheek Conure. We think it’s a boy but never did the DNA test to be sure. Guapo is approx 1 year old. He is sweet…
SOLD18 year old blue crown conure with a funny personality. Likes attention and treats. Likes fruits and seeds. Unknown sex but never laid eggs so think it…
SOLDMated pair. Looking for a good home. I am moving and can’t take them with me. Come with cage. They are both 5 years old. Male is blue. Female is dilute…
SOLDAfrican gray 6-9 years old he is very friendly and talker says hello I love you some songs
SOLDHand fed, Lutino cockatiel. Currently 6 weeks old and fully weaned. The bird is friendly and knows how to step up! Unfortunately the mother has been plucking…
SOLDHand fed, cinnamon-pied female cockatiel. Currently 6 weeks old and fully weaned. The bird is very friendly! It knows how to step up, likes to explore…
SOLDBeautiful bonded pair. The male is a Double Crested Ash and the female is a Tufted Tangerine Pearled Silky - $105 for the pair I raise and breed Ringneck…
SOLDBeautiful, very bonded, 2022 Pink Silky male and 2022 Pink female pair available - $105 Contact me for more information and photos... or visit my website…
SOLDPascal is a young (under 5 years old per the previous owner), vivacious and noisy yellow-naped amazon. He was in a neglectful living situation and I adopted…
SOLDBlue opaline Quaker Just over 2 months old Tame If interested, please text me