Text for faster response Parent raised 2024 Indian Ringnecks 7 mths old old - not tame 3 Grays 1 Cinnamon Could be pets with training $500.00 each…
SOLDThis’s is a beautiful Green Cheek conure. She is an extremely sweet bird and requires allot of attention. She mumbles her name and dances periodically…
SOLD2.5 years Umbrella Cockatoo. Male. - Hatch date Sep/3 /2019 , Sweet , love to play. Talking. Need to find for ever home.
SOLDCamila is a very energetic white umbrella that needs a lot of attention throughout the day. She is mostly content as long as she can see you but she does…
SOLDTom and Jerry are bonded blue fronted Amazons. They say: How are you, Very fine, Hello. Love to whistle. Tom (male, we think) is on the top and Jerry …
SOLDBonded pair, they come with a cage and nesting box. Male and female. We have had them for 8 months. We have no one to take care of them when we travel…
SOLD3 year old male cockatoo very friendly and loves dogs and likes to talk
SOLDHe’s one year old believe to be male because he humps our hand, Harley is his name. He’s a nectar bird so please do your research on them, they have a…
SOLDCoconut loirkeet looking for new home or text our phone number Do your research on them they are nector birds serious inquiries only!!! Thibodaux La
SOLDYoung hand fed and hand tame cockatiels 9 weeks old, Thibodaux La