Beautiful parrotlet. Fully weaned and super friendly. Handfed since 1 week old.
SOLD10 weeks old tamed
SOLDBaby girl lovebird
SOLD4 baby parakeets tamed & handfed
SOLDHandfed & tamed. Messaged me if you’re interested.
SOLDPineapple green cheek baby. Being handfed and tamed. Ready in 2 weeks.
SOLDWe have a beautiful Blue Male Indian Ringeck, "Bruno", that we are needing to rehome. He is wonderful, but we are not able to give him the time he deserves…
SOLDthree (3) female blue front amazon parrots born June and July 2023 for sale in Late August 2023. These birds are being hand fed and will be tame. I will…
SOLDI am selling my beautiful white faced pied cockatiel. I have been calling him Whitey. He is a handsome bird. He is semi tame. He knows step up but doesn…
SOLDI am rehoming my beautiful Sky Blue Indian Ringneck parakeet. She is fully tame and comes with a lab certificate verifiying her gender. She was handfed…