Punky is a 1-1/2 year old male (via DNA testing) who I hand-fed and raised from 4 weeks old. He is a typical vocal Quaker with a good vocabulary, very…
SOLD2 males - yellow sided green cheek conures 1 female - American dilute (cinnamon). price is for each bird.
SOLDDNA tested yellow sided male Green Cheek Conures. $300 each.
SOLDThis is a male parrotlet about a year old. He is content in his cage and not loud. He will let you hold him but takes some time to get used to you. $50…
SOLDThis is for two sun conures. One is 1-2 years old and the other is 3-5 years old. Both are males but I cannot guarantee this. One is Jinx and the other…
SOLDComes with cage and starter food. Will need socializing since he is a baby!
SOLDTwo female canaries available. They are a yearbold from the same hatching. Canaries do not like to be handle, some can be more personal than another…
SOLDKai is such a wonderful bird. My wife and I found her as a rescue in a home that was not able to put the time and effort into her that she deserves. we…
SOLDHaving to re home my very sweet, talkative 8 year old female African Grey due to my health issues! Must be able to pick up in North Carolina
SOLD40 bird only 150 with cage and all accessories like lamp and heater including food to last probably a lifetime Cage is 5 feet long; also includes travel…