We have 2 yearling India Blue pied males with white eye trait. Our pen collapsed over the winter and we need to rehome them. Located in Central Michigan…
SOLDOlivia Mae is a healthy, beautiful female. SALE PENDING
SOLDAlmost 6 months old. Hatched May 20th. Sweet fun little personality. We were planning on keeping this baby but his dad isn’t happy having another male…
SOLD2 sweet baby cockatiels ready for a home soon. Still being formula and parent fed a few times a day.
SOLD4 Baby Lovebirds will be ready the beginning of November.
SOLDThese babies will be ready for a home in a few weeks. One is yellow and grey pearled and the other is grey and white pearled. Super sweet. Parent fed and…
SOLDWe have two sweet baby Lovebirds who are ready for a loving home. One green and one blue. Weaned and eating on their own. Combination of parent and formula…
SOLDWe have two sweet baby Cockatiels who are ready for a loving home. Both are speckled, one is a bit more yellow than the other. Weaned and eating on their…
SOLDWe have 5 baby cockatiels about 4 weeks old. The first hatched will be ready in about 4 weeks (May 18th) for a new home :) The babies had just finished…
SOLDBaby Lovebirds will be ready for a home most likely in about 2 weeks (around May 8th). We have 4 babies, 2 green/yellow/blue, 1 blue, and 1 yellow.