3 female canaries. $25 each. Cash only. Pick up only.
SOLD3 year old DNA sexed female Double Yellow Head. Her name is Mango, she talks and sings. Price is firm and includes cage and toys.
SOLDEmmitt is a very sweet 7 year old White Bellied Caique that recently lost his owner and is now looking for his new family. We took him on but just haven…
SOLD5 month old tame male baby galah cockatoo very sweet, hand feed, loves people and head rubs and head scratches lots of personality! Large new cage included…
SOLDYoung male blue very friendly. Hand raised steps up on finger already. Eating well. No shipping pick up only in Ocala or St Augustine Fl.
SOLDSay hello to Pickles. Pickles was born early June 2021. We have had Pickles for just over a month and although she/he is a sweet parrot, our dog has not…
SOLD4 young parakeets/budgies. Ready for new homes. Raised on love, fresh fruits, vegetables, pellets, vitamins, seeds. 2 green males, 2 white/blue females…
SOLDBaby parakeets, 2 white/blue female - 2 green males 9 weeks old. Parent raised with fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, vitamins, and pellets.
SOLDMale blue Quaker. (Split to Albino -- mama is blue Opaline, daddy Albino) 4 months old, hatched Christmas day 2021. He was parent fed. He is skittish in…
SOLDI am looking for a good home for my two Quaker companions, Docta Jerry and Nurse Phnx. Jerry is the darker blue one and Phnx is the cinnamon blue one.…