Magic is a very sweet bird. I had him since he was a weanling , he is afraid of everything! He is afraid of dogs and cats, I don’t think he ever will…
SOLD6 month old male lovebird was hand fed and is ready for a new home. He bites a little. We have certified DNA which guarantees that he is male.
SOLD4 month old hand fed lovebird ready for a new home, she bites a little bit
SOLD4 month old hand fed male lovebird ready for a new home, bites a little
SOLD7 month old female lovebird ready for a new home, this bird bites a little
SOLDyoung male green lovebird hand fed dosent bite
SOLDyoung female blue lovebird with DNA sex certification
SOLDyoung female lovebird with sex certification
SOLDyoung green female lovebird with sex certification
SOLDtwo green lovebirds that are 5 months old not tame 120 each