"Sunshine" hatched on April 12, 2022, and has been hand fed and raised by me. He is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. He will be a great companion…
SOLD"Mango" hatched on April 14, 2022 and has been hand fed and raised by me. She is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. She will be a great companion…
SOLD"Candy" hatched on March 3, 2021 and has been hand fed and raised by me. She is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. She will be a great companion…
SOLD"Cinnamon" hatched on December 1, 2021 and has been hand fed and raised by me. She is very gentle, affectionate, playful, curious, nosey and loves to be…
SOLD"Chippa", hatched on December 1, 2021 and has been hand fed and raised by me. He is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. He will be a great companion…
SOLD"Cookie" hatched on October 3, 2021 and has been hand fed and raised by me. She is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. She will be a great companion…
SOLD"Smokey" hatched on October 1, 2021 and has been hand fed and raised by me. He is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. He will be a great companion…
SOLDChuckee is 9 years old. Friendly with other parrots and dogs. Must have experience with Macaws. Would love it if you had another big bird that he could…
SOLDDNA sexed Male.. 7 y/o. Has been a personal pet would love to see him go to a loving pet home or quality breeding program. Please text with any questions…
SOLDDna Male. Just weaned. Super sweet boy. Located central Ma. 508-four 10-6984