4 year old Umbrella Cockatoo (large white parrot) looking for a forever home. He is very talkative, loves playing hide and seek, singing along with songs…
SOLDI need to rehome my cockatiels. They are both female DNA tested . They are wonderful birds and passive in nature .We have only had them for a few months…
SOLDMagic is a very sweet bird. I had him since he was a weanling , he is afraid of everything! He is afraid of dogs and cats, I don’t think he ever will…
SOLD2 cocktail adults for $350 Male and female, 3 years old. They must stay together and they are not for breeding. Must be picked up in Pawtucket/Providence…
SOLDMale and female couple. Ready for breeding 2for $40 Must be picked up in providence or Pawtucket Rhode IslandI. You’ll need a medium sized bird cage…
SOLDChuckee is 9 years old. Friendly with other parrots and dogs. Must have experience with Macaws. Would love it if you had another big bird that he could…
SOLDProven breeding pair by previous owner. One clutch. No shipping. Male is mint, female is moon.
SOLDDNA'd male 2024 Mint Green Cheek Conure available for pet home! Strongly recommend to go to a home to a friend. He is an only child and has a wonderful…
SOLDMale 2021 Lady Gouldian Finch
SOLD2 males available. Not fully colored yet. About 4 months old. Large, healthy birds. Brothers.