Hatch Date 7-23-2024 DNA available Tuesday 10-8-24 1 available No shipping local pickup only
SOLDTweeks is a year old quaker parrot, I have raised him since he was born so he was hand fed. He says a few words and gives kisses.
SOLDBird is named Lindy. She is 20 years old. My mom can’t take care of her anymore. Looking for a good home. Includes the bird cage.
SOLD9 lovebirds from different clutches. Can make unrelated pairs. The clutches are in each picture. $200 per LB, a pair for $375. NO DNA. Please text me…
SOLDMale Yellow-sided Red-faced GCC available in Delaware. Tame, good for pets or breeding.
SOLDTurquoise cinnamon, yellow sided female, Turquoise male, solid Turquoise. Best for breeding. Female is tame, male is not. Negotiable on price. No low-ballers…
SOLDWhiteFace Male, DNA Confirmed, 6 weeks old, will be ready for Christmas. In Delaware, so be within driving distance. No Shipping right now.
SOLDProven pair of cockatiels with DNA paperwork. Last clutch 1/2023. Overwhelmed with babies and breeding pairs. Open to discussion. $180 FOR BOTH. Text…
SOLDI have a little green cheek conure her name is Jade. she is 2 1/2 years old, her cage and toys will be included. I have some birds that she is dominant…
SOLDI have a male cockatiel who needs a good and loving home. His name is Lokie and he will sit on your head or shoulder's under his terms. if you talk to…