12 Week old Blue Crown. Hand fed. Fully feathered. In Weaning Process. Sweet as can be.
$1,0003 babies available. Born 2nd week of November 2024. Very sweet and tame. Wings are clipped.
$125He needs a new home and I can't provide. His date birth is 2/16/2022, and is male. He can bite and is territorial over his cage. Currently on a diet of…
$400African Grey Parrot, Male, approximately 12 years old. We purchased him in 2023. He talks and imitates all kinds of sounds. He knows how to walk up…
$2,300She have 10 years old
$2,500Rare Japanese Hagoromo Parakeet Available. Purebred with stunning crests and on their backs and heads. Friendly, tamed, and ready to bond with their…
$175Adorable Pacific Parrotlet babies.Hand fed and tamed, they are quiet, small, and have the personality and charm of larger parrots.They don’t require large…
$185Rare Red Factor Conure Available. Hand feed 3 times a day $850 Sun Conure babies .$550 They are very friendly, hand fed and tame. A DNA gender test…
$550Rare BlackWing Parakeets Available. Not many people know about them, but you can learn more about them online. Located MD20871. Serious people only.
$175Hand fed and tamed peachfaced baby lovebirds looking for forever homes. All my babies are handled and travel with me everywhere so they are very friendly…