Rosie is an absolute doll. She is 8 yrs old. She dances, steps up, cuddles, waves and gives you a massage. Her prefers females but isn’t outwardly aggressive…
SOLDBeautiful male and female that laid 6 eggs this late Winter despite their youth. I saw them try to mate a lot but I don't know if the eggs were fertile…
SOLDDNA tested male. Comes with millet, food, cage.
SOLDI currently have one pair available. It's a proven pair ready to give you babies. $400. There are 3 single females. Singles are $200 each. …
SOLDBailey is 12 years old, hatched on July 5th, 2009. He has been my beloved companion for the past 12 years but I have developed an allergy and have to…
SOLDAll have been sold, thanks for all the inquires. Hand feeding 4 Senegal's at this time, should be ready for their new loving home around the 1st of June…
SOLDBond's tin Roof DNA pending but thinking this one is a Boy Band #2 SOLD
SOLDBond's Tin Roof Band#1 DNA pending, I thinking it's a boy
SOLDHand-Fed baby Senegals Band#3 DNA pending but thinking this one is going to be a female
SOLDBond's Tin Roof Band#4 DNA pending but thinking this one is a male.