Meet Tinker, a 17yr old love bug. Thought to be a boy but have not done dna to find out. Tinker loves to hangout outside of his cage, dancing and to get…
SOLDAxel is a male sulphur crest (triton). He is about 8 years old. He is a sweet and cuddly bird. Prefers males but tolerates females. Talks and dances and…
SOLDMeet Hedwig. He is a cuddle bird. He likes to cuddle, talk and scratch his head( his way of asking you for a head scratch) and be out of the cage. He is…
SOLD"Tooki" is a great talker and is 2yrs old. He can say his name, hello, what are you doing and etc. He steps up for anyone and has no gender preference…
SOLDRosie is an absolute doll. She is 8 yrs old. She dances, steps up, cuddles, waves and gives you a massage. Her prefers females but isn’t outwardly aggressive…
SOLDBeautiful male and female that laid 6 eggs this late Winter despite their youth. I saw them try to mate a lot but I don't know if the eggs were fertile…
SOLDDNA tested male. Comes with millet, food, cage.
SOLDI currently have one pair available. It's a proven pair ready to give you babies. $400. There are 3 single females. Singles are $200 each. …
SOLDBailey is 12 years old, hatched on July 5th, 2009. He has been my beloved companion for the past 12 years but I have developed an allergy and have to…
SOLDAll have been sold, thanks for all the inquires. Hand feeding 4 Senegal's at this time, should be ready for their new loving home around the 1st of June…