Meet Hedwig. He is a cuddle bird. He likes to cuddle, talk and scratch his head( his way of asking you for a head scratch) and be out of the cage. He is…
SOLD"Tooki" is a great talker and is 2yrs old. He can say his name, hello, what are you doing and etc. He steps up for anyone and has no gender preference…
SOLDRosie is an absolute doll. She is 8 yrs old. She dances, steps up, cuddles, waves and gives you a massage. Her prefers females but isn’t outwardly aggressive…
SOLDBailey is 12 years old, hatched on July 5th, 2009. He has been my beloved companion for the past 12 years but I have developed an allergy and have to…
SOLDTamed 1amd half year old plum head male parakeet. DNA certificate is also present in photos. He is also getting plum color in his head. If you are interested…
SOLDI SOLD It… Baby blue Indian Ringneck parrot 11 weeks old weaned and hand raised Located in Lawrenceville,GA
SOLD3 Gouldien/ $50 each 1 shaft/ $70 each 1star/ $70
SOLDRosy Bourke Parrot in Lawrenceville, GA.
SOLDIt is tamed young parakeet. It does not get its plum head color because it is still very young. It is hand fed and tamed. It is very sweet and talking…
SOLDBeautiful Military Baby! We are located at 3870 Lawrenceville Hwy Suite C110 Lawrenceville GA We also have sun conures babies, green Check (Yellow…