I have a 3 yr old female green quaker parrot with her cage for 350 in the Muskegon area. We have had her for a few months but she hates our blue quaker…
$350I have two very tame cockatiels . Little over a yr old. They are a pair but can be separated. Male is grey with yellow and female is all white . Text 6167106661…
$250Hi I have two very tame cockatiels both are close to a year and a half old. Proven pair- the female is the white one with black eyes. They both fly the…
$250Hyacinth male 6 years old! Loves car rides and camping! Socialized! Can be nippy! Cash only! No low ball offers!
$22,000Gizmo, a high strung and energetic guy! He loves to talk and being around adults. Kids are not recommended. Loves to be out of his cage and be social.
SOLD3 babies will be available in the next few weeks (today’s date 12/27). 1 yellow pearled baby and 2 white faced. Formula and parent fed.
SOLDAlmost 6 months old. Hatched May 20th. Sweet fun little personality. We were planning on keeping this baby but his dad isn’t happy having another male…
SOLD2 sweet baby cockatiels ready for a home soon. Still being formula and parent fed a few times a day.
SOLD4 Baby Lovebirds will be ready the beginning of November.
SOLDThese babies will be ready for a home in a few weeks. One is yellow and grey pearled and the other is grey and white pearled. Super sweet. Parent fed and…