Tweeks is a year old quaker parrot, I have raised him since he was born so he was hand fed. He says a few words and gives kisses.
SOLDThis bird is sold.
SOLDTwo 3-month old cockatiel brothers are looking for their forever home! They must stay TOGETHER. These 2 are buddies and I don't want to separate them…
SOLDTwo white-bellied caiques (m&f) and nice large cage. $1,500 or best offer for all. Lived at children’s nature center 14 years that has since closed. Friendly…
SOLDBeautiful sweet young pair about 6 to 8 months.BLUEBERRY is a petite female blue body white head still turning and losing her baby stripes.she eats millet…
SOLDI have a young grey/white male cockatiel. A little over 1 year old. He needs work with perching. I have tried but I just don't have the time. He will have…
SOLDRehoming. Kiwi is 1 yr old. He comes with his cage, cage cover, accessories, toys, and food. He is very social, loves attention. Wings are not clipped…
SOLDYoung whiteface cinnamon cockatiel needs rehoming. Unsure of gender but believed to be female. Tame but unsocialized. DOES NOT COME WITH CAGE. BIRD…
SOLDGender is unknown but believed to be male based on behaviors. Unsure of specific hatch date but it was around late August. Parents are a whiteface split…
SOLDRehoming 7 week old cockatiel. Gender is unknown but believed to be male. Not used to people but is learning to step up; it is skittish. Would need to…