Mature Yellow SunConure Female and Red Factor SunConure Female.
$1,450Three months old ready for new home
$110Cockateil babies hand fed & tame 2 months old ready for there new home $125 , 14 babies available
$125Cockateil cage ( complete ). $50
$50Conure cage for sale $50
$50Love bird cage for sale $50
$50This pair is is a male ruby, and female ruby. Havent bred for me and i want to make room for other species to focus on. I personally and not a huge fan…
$4,000Henry had his female partner die last year due to egg binding. I dont want to get more birds at the momment hence why i rather sell him. I think if you…
$4,000Baby boy cockatiel, can eat on his own and fly now. Please bring carrier, pick up will be in the Plano area (60545). Feel free to text me for quickest…