Chickpea is a 3 month old Male Cockatiel. He has been handfed from 4 weeks old. He is not yet quite weaned. He is very friendly, will step up and hang…
SOLDChip is a very sweet and sociable little kid (DNA tested male). He has been hand fed from 4 weeks old and loves his humans. He will step up and hang…
SOLDSweet baby girl Coconut is almost weaned and ready to go to her forever home. Parents have been DNA disease tested along with one of her cagemates. She…
SOLDThis sweet baby girl (DNA tested female) is almost weaned and ready to go home. She is a very friendly and cuddly little girl. She will step up onto…
SOLDThese babies are as sweet as can be. Handfed with an abundance of love and affection they are almost ready for their forever homes. Chicks are being…
SOLDMy birds are all handfed and socialized in a loving home environment. They are weaned onto a quality seed and pellet diet with lots of fruits, veggies…
SOLDMango is a beautiful Cinnamon Pearl cockatiel. She is handfed and very sweet. She will step up and she loves head scratches. She is looking for a loving…
SOLDDarling hanfed Kakariki babies. These little parrots are intelligent, curious, mischievous, and affectionate. They are a continuous source of laughter…
SOLDWe have four baby cockatiels that are ready to find a new and safe home, they can be taken separately, each one costs $170 and they we born last month…
SOLDThis pair of cockatiels, is a female and male and are very happy, they are ready for a new home!