Parent raised and hand trained cockatiel. Appears to be male. Very sweet and vocal. Free flying. Recently weaned. Hatch day was 4/22/22.
SOLD1 year old female lutino cockatiel with cage. She is ready to find her forever person. She has been handled and raised by her parents in my home.
SOLDCrested Canary Bird hatched on February 2022. Sex is unidentified. Two available; one for $180 or both for $300. Local pick up only, No shipping.
SOLDMale singing canary bird hatched in 2021. One yellow crested head. Location: Grovetown, GA Local pick up only.
SOLDMale Singing Canaries Hatched in 2021. One bird for $80, Two birds for $150, All four birds for $250. Location: Grovetown, GA Local Pickup only…
SOLDYoung Male singing Canary bird. Hatched on 29th December 2020
SOLDWhite mosaic female canary, already had laid eggs this year.
SOLDYoung male singing canary bird. Hatched on Aril 4th, 2021.
SOLDCanary birds $80 each bird, or two birds for $150 .
SOLD3 year old pet lorikeet. Very vocal. Cage and toys also available.