One year old super friendly and fun caique. Divorce means I have to sell her. Includes nice cage.
$1,800I have a beautiful female Parakeet for sale. She is approximately 2 years old. She has always been in a cage with another female so she has never had a…
$25I have a beautiful female Parakeet for sale. She is yellow with just a touch of white and is bigger than most parakeet that I have ever seen. She is approximately…
$30I have a bonded pair of parakeets for sale. They have already had 1 clutch of babies with no problems. Both birds are approximately 11-13 months old…
$50Moe is an 11 year old green wing macaw.Moe is always a perfect looking macaw and other than not spending as much time with him lately he gets good care…
$2,000Up for discussion is a male 12 to 15 year old cockatoo. Will come with new large cage, food, litter and toys.
SOLDOdie is sold!
SOLDI have two beautiful Penguin Zebra finches ready to be re-homed. $25.00 each. They are just about 9 weeks old at this point. Most of their adult plumage…
SOLDI have three male regular Grey Zebra finches ready for new homes, and they are a little over 9 weeks old. $15 each. They are all from the same clutch,…
SOLDI have four regular grey zebra finches ready for new, loving homes. $15 each. They are 8 weeks old - going on 9 - and all from the same clutch. The vast…