I have one male pearly pied hatch date August 7th. Dna tested he is ready for his forever home. Im located in Northville NY 12134 please google your distance…
SOLDGot a beautiful pair of budgies for sale (A male and female) They are very friendly and healthy. Selling them as a pair with the extra large cage and…
SOLDRoxy is a 3 yr female blue fronted amazon parrot. She says a few words and loves peanuts, nuts, fruits etc. She like to dance and is very curious. Please…
SOLDBeautiful Indian ring neck for sale.(6 year old male) I unfortunately can’t keep him due to my time I spend in my job. He needs someone who can give him…
SOLDI have two baby hybrid macaws for sale. Parents are a Blue Gold x Millie Gold. Just weaned and ready to go . I am also selling the proven parent pair and…
SOLD$25/each in cash
SOLDAfrican grey red factor breeding pair, they are not hand tamed. They are around 10-12 years old.. Pickup only from NJ.
SOLDI have this beautiful, young, lizard canary for sale.
SOLDI am a breeder that has new baby Timbrado’s for sale. $50 each get them before they’re gone. Send me a message or contact the number on the picture.…
SOLDI have a beautiful lizard Canary that I’m letting go. He sings beautifully and stands out from the rest of my canaries. He is 8-9 months old and is ready…