3 male goldbreasts available. 2 hatched in my aviary summer of 2023.
SOLD3 year old DNA Tested Male Blue Headed Pionus. Prefers males. He is very sweet. Flighted and harness trained. Located in New Jersey. Will not be shipped…
SOLDFriendly 5 months old pineapple conure. Feather clipped. Quiet, handfed, loves peanuts, almonds and fresh apple. raised in healthy home environment. DNA…
SOLDPlaning to rehome my beautiful, very friendly, playful bird, handfed & tamed, 6 months old , Gender unknown. Without cage (bird only) Price firm and…
SOLD8 month old three beautiful mute cygnets swan available for sale. $350 for each.
SOLDcinnamon turquoise/red factor conures 250.00 cash only pickup only
SOLD2 year old female India blue peahen. Pick up only. Healthy.
SOLD4 healthy young pea chicks. Gender unknown. Indigo blue. $75 Pick up
SOLDHealthy year old male ostrich.
SOLDWe are moving and cannot take our cockatiels with us so we need to find them a loving home soon! This pair may look a little rough around the edges…