15 year old Timneh African Grey. Smokie is his name. Looking to rehome because he needs more attention than I can give. He comes with new cage. He…
SOLD2 cockatiels with big cage. Toys included. $500. O.b.o.
SOLDCinnamon pineapple Conure for sale with full cage set up included. He knows tricks, is good with kids dogs and other birds very loving he is on a chop…
SOLD4 parakeets that are 6 weeks old and weaned. All the birds were taken care by the parents and were not hand fed.
SOLD10 yr old B&G , must have experience, located near xenia ohio . Prefers males , i have kids but but dont recomend letting children touch him , he has…
SOLDSuper sweet! located in Cinci. He loves to sing and give kisses. He deserves more attention than I can give him.
SOLDHello, meet Miku...the Sunday conure. She is a mix between a sun conure and a jenday conure and Is about 6 months old. She is very sweet and will fly to…
SOLDNeed to rehome this baby boy ASAP. He's very shy and not hand tamed but loves singing and talking with other birds. Definitely needs a household with at…
SOLDI have a Dna’d Male, 7 month old blue and macaw, life has changed and I unfortunately can no longer give him the best care that he deserves. Comes with…
SOLDMy last lilac amazon baby from 2023, lowered to $1500 to a good home. "Emmit" is a DNA'D male hatched in April of 2023. He is close banded and disease…