Please meet Phoebe. She is a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo and is approximately 15 years young. She has recently been to the vet and has a clean bill of health…
SOLDPrice includes 3 birds, toys, cage and food. 1 male, 2 females. Will not separate. Will meet within 25 mile radius
SOLDJoey is a DNA sexed male dusky conure (aratinga weddellii) around 7 years old. He is sweet, funny, energetic, and fully flighted. He is looking for…
SOLD2-year-old male. I have mine trained to free-range during the day, but I lock them up at night. Not tame to touch, but will eagerly eat treats at your…
SOLDThe male has a slight inward bow on one leg due to an injury when it was a chick. They both run, chase, and play with the others with no problem. Both…
SOLD2 year-old black shoulder purple hen for $250. Prices are FIRM. No shipping. Pickup or meet within 25 miles of I-80 and I-81 intersection in PA. Cash…
SOLDPoppy is a 14-year-old male electus, born in 2009. He has never had his wings clipped and has full flight. He loves to roam the house. He has an excellent…
SOLDWe are looking to re-home our female, hand-tame, healthy 1.5-year-old cockatiel. The ideal new home has an experienced family who already has a male cockatiel…
SOLDYoung Mosaic Male Canary great singer ready for his forever home! No shipping Pickup Only!
SOLDYoung bronze Canary ready for it forever home unsexed but believe its a male