Beautiful 8-week-old turquoise marble. Hand-fed and hand-trained to step up. She's very tame and loves to be held! She's happy and will be an awesome pet…
SOLD10-week-old pied baby. Hand-fed and hand-trained to step up. He's very tame, and loves attention!
SOLD9-week-old rare cobalt baby. Hand-fed and hand-trained to step up. He's very tame and loves to sing his tune! That means he's happy.
SOLD3-month-old female parrotlet. Semi-tame, hand-fed. Needs some training.
SOLD3-month-old female hand-fed since 2 weeks after hatch.
SOLDSweet little Parrotlet baby girl ready for her new home! She was handfed since she was 14 days old, and eats on her own now. She's friendly and hand-trained…
SOLDGorgeous little turquoise parrotlet baby girl. She is friendly, funny, and curious! Handfed after 2 weeks in the nest. She is handled often and socialized…
SOLDDespite her name being, Gabby, she's really a quiet bird. She's on the shy side but loves to play. Cobalt/Turquoise mix. She was handfed. She might not…
SOLDYou will love this beautiful little turquoise parrotlet baby girl with marbled wings. She is friendly and bursting with personality! Handfed after 2 weeks…
SOLD2 year old sun conure unknown sex Comes with entire set up