I have a Green Cheeks Conure pair the hen is a Turquoise and the male is a normal split. They are currently working their nest box so will be ready to…
SOLDUnfortunately for health reasons we are looking for a special home for our cockatiels. If you are interested, every cockatiel is $100, but if you want…
SOLDPair of Quacker parrots, 1 yr old will not separate them, Sam & Sky, they come with cage, food, and all their toys. They are learning to talk. Firm on…
SOLDSammy is a sun conure and about 5 years old she is very affectionate and loves attention. She will sit on your shoulder as long as you let her. She is…
SOLDZazu is a 16 month old blue quaker parrot who has been hand tamed. He is a little territorial of his cage, but able to be handled and held once he is out…
SOLDFemale jenday conure About 2 years old $550 Willing to trade for a male sun conure or Indian ring neck male Pick up only
SOLDAbout 12 year old not DNA tested but from his behavior seems like a male Will come with cage toys and food Txt me for more details (6143028663) Must…
SOLDGreen cheek conure dna tested female Year and half old Not tame Rehoming fee 400 Pick up in Blacklik oh
SOLDAbout 3 year old Not DNA tested but we believe he's male Fully tame loves to be on ur shoulder and wants all the attention
SOLDMale white face cockatiel fully tame Idk his age but he recently had a baby with a female. He's very sweet Pick up in blacklick oh