HAND-FED Pineapple Green Cheek Conures. They are completely weaned and ready for a forever home! They are socialized, friendly and often funny. There…
SOLDAll sold! HAND-FED from two weeks and very friendly. Two Cinnamons SOLD!
SOLDBeautiful Sun Cheek Conure for sale. (She is a green cheek with a mutated color) I am assuming she is female but has not been DNA tested. Her hatch date…
SOLDI have about 15 baby cockatiels for sale
SOLD1 female-hatch date 5/25/22 5 (sexes not sure) hatch date- 7/25/22
SOLDBeautiful African grey that loves women. She is Hormonal and has laid several eggs. She is also trained to a stick when handled by men.
SOLDFemale, cinnamon and male yellow sided, had one clutch of two babies. (they were very very good parents) They must go together. They will step up but tend…
SOLDVery sweet female. She is hand tamed, doesn’t bite. She is bonded with our yellow male English budgie and has had eggs with him. $150 for her or $300 for…
SOLDSelling our bonded pair of parrotlets, not related, the female is hand tamed. Would be a great breeding pair. They live in the same cage. The female is…
SOLDHand tamed, very sweet female English budgie. She can be let out of her cage, and she will fly back inside of her cage when she is ready. Call or text…