Beautiful African grey that loves women. She is Hormonal and has laid several eggs. She is also trained to a stick when handled by men.
SOLDFemale, cinnamon and male yellow sided, had one clutch of two babies. (they were very very good parents) They must go together. They will step up but tend…
SOLD6 year old female green cheek conure. She can be aggressive at times, but loves to be talked to and loves to sit on your shoulder. She also loves taking…
SOLDWillie is a 23 yr old male and needs to be rehomed because I am getting divorced and will have to move somewhere much smaller and my job has become more…
SOLDAll birds have been Pmv vacationed & wormed I have 2pair this pair as shown and also a black & white pair
SOLDGold blackwing archangels Males and females Pmv vaccinated & wormed
SOLDMated pair of gold blackwing archangels Pmv vaccinated & wormed
SOLDBirmingham Rollers—- various colors Pmv- vaccinated & wormed
SOLDPmv vaccinated & wormed Ready for breeding season Price is per bird
SOLDWhite and black - cock Pmv vaccinated & wormed Ready for breeding season