7 year old gender unknown Blue Crown Conure. Semi tame & talks alot. No shipping
SOLDBeautiful blue 12 week old male crossover. Sorry no shipping.
SOLDAdorable baby African red belly. Super sweet baby!!!
SOLDPlease meet Phoebe. She is a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo and is approximately 15 years young. She has recently been to the vet and has a clean bill of health…
SOLDPrice includes 3 birds, toys, cage and food. 1 male, 2 females. Will not separate. Will meet within 25 mile radius
SOLD2-year-old male. I have mine trained to free-range during the day, but I lock them up at night. Not tame to touch, but will eagerly eat treats at your…
SOLDThe male has a slight inward bow on one leg due to an injury when it was a chick. They both run, chase, and play with the others with no problem. Both…
SOLD2 year-old black shoulder purple hen for $250. Prices are FIRM. No shipping. Pickup or meet within 25 miles of I-80 and I-81 intersection in PA. Cash…
SOLDI have a 1 year old Indian ringneck I’d like to rehome. he is very sweet, steps up and gives kisses.