Hand tame hand fed baby parakeets almost weaned
SOLDBaby lovebirds hand fed and hand tame will be ready in approximately 3 weeks
SOLDBaby lovebirds looking for a loving home soon currently still handfeeding hatch dates are April 1 and 3 rd. Hand tame and really sweet.
SOLDfriendly well taken care of will step up. he is a male he talks gives kisses, and mimics sounds. loves the occasional oatmeal and mixed nuts
SOLDWe have 8 young cockatiels for sale and 2 guaranteed mating pair the mating pair must be sold together 350.00 for the pair and the younger birds are 100…
SOLDThese young Finches were raised by parents fed sprouted seed, scrambled or hard boiled egg,, egg, egg food, fortified pellets and seed mix millet, mashed…
SOLD(Pending Sale)She is roughly 4 years old. Cage aggressive with other female LBS. Lay's eggs a lot. No mate.
SOLD(Pending sale)No shipping.. Warning. Female is aggressive hands near the cage. She is always laying eggs on the bottom and I think she tries to protect…
SOLD10 parakeets for sale. $35.00/each OR $140 for all 10 including the cage and supplies.
SOLDMature breeding peafowl. I have a pied male, pictured, who produces pieds and whites and black shoulder for $300. I have an India Blue male for $200, 2…