5 Year Old Male African Grey Parrot. Hand Tamed and Loves To Talk 2700 Please Call Me For More Information.
SOLDFemale pied cockatiel ready for her new home! Turning 1-year-old on 6/8/22. She is $300 in total. I maintain close contact with buyers, always available…
SOLDUnsexed lutino pied cockatiel ready to go to their forever home! Father was a lutino pied, mother was a grey pied. A wonderfully active and quirky little…
SOLDA cockatiel baby is going to be ready for their new home on October 23, 2021! They will come with a gender certificate from iQ Bird Testing and a hatch…
SOLDTwo cockatiel babies are going to be ready for their new homes on October 4, 2021! They will come with a gender certificate from iQ Bird Testing and a…
SOLDMyka is a 6year old Male Citron Cockatoo . Very talkative and talented. This is a high energy bird , with a large vocabulary. Loves to ride .Comes with…
SOLDHave an English budgie breeder pair for rehoming. Reducing my flock and no longer breeding. Male is sf grey split cinnamon and hen is sky blue opaline…
SOLDWe are rehoming 2 beautiful budgies. They are both females. They are both 1 1/2-2 years old. They are used to flying around the room.
SOLDThis is MAMMU, he is a very vocal and loves to dance. He loves treats and eats from your hand hand. He loves his fruits and veggies. He is very healthy…
SOLDCockatiel Family - DAD, MOM, and DAUGHTER family, comes with free cage. There are tamed and love to have outside the cage time. They whistle and chat a…