Blue Opale baby quaker. Fully handfeed and weaned..Ready to a new home. Located in Winston Salem. Sex is unknown. No refund acceptance. All sell are finals…
SOLDGreeen Opaline baby quaker and Blue Opale. Currently been handfeed and weaned..Ready to a new home this weeks Sex is unknown. I'm located in Winston…
SOLDI have a sweet 2 years old female cockatiel for sale. She is ready to breed. No refund allow.
SOLDI have a green Opale baby quaker. Really playful and doesn't bite. Fully handfeed and weaned..Ready to a new home. Sex is unknown. No refund acceptance…
SOLDTwo green Opale babies quakers (12 weeks old) ready to a new home. Fully handfed. Sex is unknown.
SOLDBlue Opale baby quaker fully handfeed and ready to a new home. Sex is unknown.
SOLDBlue baby quaker ready for a new home. Fully handfeed. Sex is unknown.
SOLDThis is a healthy and playful Blue and Gold Macaw who needs to find a new home due to health challenges of his current owner. Was hand raised and loves…
SOLDMaggie is a beautiful Green Wing Macaw. Female and 17 years old. Loves interacting with family and has a good vocabulary. She has been with me since…
SOLDHarley is a male Harlequin Macaw and is 14 years old. I have had him since weaned. He has a very large vocabulary and personality. Loves showing off…