Friendly, 2 year old female Cockatiel, very social, cage, toys, bird food included. This must be a pick up only as this cage is too large to ship.
SOLDSuper sweet! located in Cinci. He loves to sing and give kisses. He deserves more attention than I can give him.
SOLD15 year old Timneh African Grey. Smokie is his name. Looking to rehome because he needs more attention than I can give. He comes with new cage. He…
SOLDCinnamon pineapple Conure for sale with full cage set up included. He knows tricks, is good with kids dogs and other birds very loving he is on a chop…
SOLDUnfortunately for health reasons we are looking for a special home for our cockatiels. If you are interested, every cockatiel is $100, but if you want…
SOLDJust a year old not aggressive, not biting very playful just needs a little training
SOLDVery good character, hand Tame no biting loves to stay around, speaks couple of words.
SOLD10 year old female dna tested, somewhat tame. I handfed her from a baby. She will come to you for food. Will grab my hand. I’m scared of her. I’d like…
SOLDSay hello to this cute little pallid blue quaker. He is super gentle and so far shows no signs of cage aggression. This little guy is a handfed DNA sexed…
SOLD7 years old Yellow or Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Tame and likes to dance when he hears music. Text me for more details I'm in Dayton, Ohio