Pair of Sun Conure.Male is 3 yr old & Female is 2 yr old.No shipping only pick up.
SOLD4 months old baby gcc.
SOLDThis yellow cheek pearl is affectionate and sweet. She would like to stay on your head and wont fly away. She has been hand fed since she was tiny hatchlings…
SOLDRare mutations of breeding cockatiel pairs. They come with an extra large breeding cage, with fairly new perches, bowls, and nesting boxes. I put…
SOLDgrey male or female to choose from. text or call for more info
SOLDI have this beautiful, young, lizard canary for sale.
SOLDtame creamface girl ready to go. call or text for more info
SOLDWhiteface pied cockatiel for sale, female. She was hand raised but a bit shy now. Born january 2023.
SOLDYoung adult whiteface for sale. Was hand raised but is now timid. Can be tamed again with a lot of interaction and some patience. Split to ino, male.
SOLDHandfed albino baby. Weaned and very adventurous, ready to go to loving home!