English Budgie pair. Female 9 months old male is large and 1yr old. Beautiful pair. Located Spencer ma 508-41zero-six98four
SOLD1yr old parrotlet pair. Ready to breed. American yellow male and blue female. Not sure what they are split to. Located Spencer ma. 508-four10-six98four…
SOLDSOLD. Super sweet male parrotlet baby. Just weaned.
SOLDI have available 2 young Parakeets; the Male is blue and the female is green . asking only $30 for both.
SOLDI have available 8 young Parakeets. if you need them all it will be at discounted price
SOLDPrice dropped. Need to move for medical reasons Male and Female Gray. Male about 20 years old female about 15 years Can’t find paper work but both…
SOLD2 year old and 1 year old English Budgies, best friends. Will not ship.
SOLD5 year old male Sun Conure for sale for $750 comes with large cage for free. Fixed price. I no longer have time and space to take care of him. Must pick…
SOLD5-month male. it Can sing-song and pronounce 'cookie'. super-well tamed. Trust human. Sell with cage and 3 packages of seed food and everthing inside…
SOLDMale Yellow pied. 9 wks old weaned. Parent fed. Seeds diet with some veggies and fruits. He’ll sit and stay still in your hands but little scared when…